
Senior Software Engineer - Boston, MA

Hello, I'm Jack Campanella.

TODO: secton on tech


Pyrologix/Vibrant Planet - Senior Software Engineer

July 2023 - Present

Pyrologix - Software Engineer

Aug 2022 - July 2023

Acho - Software Engineer

Nov 2021 - Aug 2022

I maintained a business-analytics data platform called Acho Studio; a one stop shop where users could connect with their existing data sources, transform their data, and build dashboards and visualizations that would ultimately be distributed either to the public or internally at their company.

I spearheaded support for collaboration across larger teams with the goal of increasing seat count. I implemented full-stack logic enabling users to see where their coworkers were on the platform and what transformations or operations they were performing on the data. With socket.io at the core of this functionality, users could see their teammates' cursors flying across the screen in real-time! This was certainly a highly-marketable feature leading to a significant increase in engagement and DAU.

TODO: infinite spreadsheet

TODO: acho marketplace payment infrastructure

PrimeLabs - Software Engineer

Oct 2019 - Nov 2021

I maintained a Mass-Spectrometry and Cheminformatics data platform called Prometheus. Prometheus was comprised of a React front-end and a Ruby-on-Rails API; behind the scenes was postgresql application database, a whole suite of complex distributed containerized bio and chem algorithms, and data-processing workers running on AWS EC2 instances.

TODO: discuss report generation

One of the big ticket items was automatic identification of clusters of mass-spec data called Envelopes. Based on the sequence of Envelopes in a mass-spec run a user could identify compounds in their mixture. The current open-source SOTA algorithms for this problem were slow or unweildy so I pioneered a computer vision training pipeline to help identify and group these Envelopes.

TODO: discuss models used

The reporting functionality and innovative approach to compound identification was directly attributable to increased interest by new clients in the platform.


University of Montana - Bachelors Computer Science

Full Academic Scholarship - Billy Merila Scholarship Program

August 2015 - May 2019

root reading programming else github about me