Prefect in EKS Basic Setup Guide

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Want to run prefect flows on your EKS cluster? Let me show you how I set this up.

This guide assumes you have an EKS cluster running and helm installed.


One of the things I like about prefect is it allows you to "bring-your-own-cluster".

In this guide, we're going to setup a prefect-server that runs in our EKS cluster. The prefect-server will use a bundled postgres database to store its application data. We'll also create a Kubernetes work-pool that is managed by prefect and this will also require a prefect-worker so that prefect can schedule flows on the cluster.

To boil it down, there will be 3 prefect pods running in our cluster:

  1. The prefect-server pod
  2. The prefect-postgresql pod
  3. The prefect-worker pod

Setup prefect-postgres secret


Setup prefect-server values.yml

First let's download the values.yml file


TODO: show how to change the values.yml so reflect our secret

Installing prefect-server

helm repo add prefect
helm install prefect-server prefect/prefect-server -f values.yml


prefect-helm repo

prefect-server instructions

prefect-worker instructions