Swappin' an Ingress Controller in an Afternoon

One of our legacy api's ran on a single raw ec2 instance for quite some time. A couple of weeks ago, this api started to be used a lot more than expected. We noticed deploying new versions also led to some service interruptions.

It was a single instance, after all.

So I threw this in our cluster behind a Deployment and a corresponding Ingress.

I was able to curl and verify the routing was working. But... HTTPS requests were failing.

To my surprise, the cluster never supported HTTPS traffic; the services it exposes don't require such security measures anyway. I discovered the cluster's ingress controller was the default ingress-nginx deployment recommended by kubernetes/ingress-nginx.

And by default, TLS is terminated in the ingress controller. So I started down the road of getting the TLS cert and key (associated with the domain of the api) until I realized the cert was issued by AWS Certificate Manager. For those who don't know, ACM doesn't expose private keys to users. :\

Hmm, quite the dilemma I'll say!

luckily, kubernetes/ingress-nginx has a section describing terminating TLS in the Network Load Balancer. https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/#tls-termination-in-aws-load-balancer-nlb.

I checked out the manifest, seemed pretty straight forward. I decided to essentially swap the current ingress controller configuration for this new one. As a side effect, it would mean going from a Classic Load Balancer to a Network Load Balancer.

So a very rough outline of routing would look like:

request to https://api.my-domain.com -> A record in route53 -> Network Load Balancer -> TLS (443) -> Cluster's Ingress Controller -> Api Ingress -> Api.

And so it begins.

First, we download the new ingress-controller's manifest, and update some properties:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.10.0/deploy/static/provider/aws/nlb-with-tls-termination/deploy.yaml

# Update the cidr in the controller's ConfigMap
proxy-real-ip-cidr: MY-VPC-IPV4-CIDR

# Update the arn of the tls cert in controller's Service
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert: arn:aws:acm:my-cert-arn-in-acm

At first I fumbled a bit with the api's ingress definition, thinking we might need an HTTPS annotation but I ultimately settled on this:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-api-ingress
  namespace: default
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
    - host: api.my-domain.com
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: my-api-service
                  number: 80

Now before we deploy our new ingress controller, let's do a little cleanup.

# find all the resources associated with the current ingress-nginx deployment
kubectl get all --selector=app.kubernetes.io/name=ingress-nginx --all-namespaces

# then PURGE
kubectl delete deployment ingress-nginx-controller --namespace=ingress-nginx
kubectl delete service ingress-nginx-controller --namespace=ingress-nginx # gonna take a min
kubectl delete service ingress-nginx-controller-admission --namespace=ingress-nginx
kubectl delete job ingress-nginx-admission-create --namespace=ingress-nginx
kubectl delete job ingress-nginx-admission-patch --namespace=ingress-nginx

Conveniently, after purging the ingress-nginx-controller service, this will also tear down the old Classic Load Balancer automatically.

It is time; time to deploy.

kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml

Watch with glory as your new controller and load balancer are created. And don't forget to point your A records to the new load balancer! After a few minutes, everything should propagate, and you should be able to make https requests to your api.

Not so scary right? Just a typical Thursday.

By the way, here's my interpretation of the cost/capability differences for aws load balancer types. In general, an NLB is a good choice for kubernetes environments and the cost difference doesn't seem that significant.

Classic Load Balancer (CLB)

Application Load Balancer (ALB)

Network Load Balancer (NLB)


original ingress controller

ingress controller with NLB and TLS termination
